Ezidebit Privacy Policy

Ezidebit Pty Ltd (ABN: 67 096 902 813) values your privacy. Ezidebit is committed to the protection of your rights under the Privacy Amendment Act 2001.

This Privacy Statement sets out how Ezidebit may collect, use and disclose and manage information about you.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Ezidebit collects personal information from clients and members for the purpose of providing payment solution services. Personal information will only be used for the purpose of updating client records for the purpose of these services.

From time to time, Ezidebit may use this information to keep clients and members up to date with industry related news and information in the form of newsletters and emails.

If you no longer wish to receive such communications from Ezidebit, you should contact our Privacy Office on Ph: (07) 3124 5500, or by emailing privacy@ezidebit.co.nz and we will ensure that your records are immediately updated.

Information that we collect may include, but is not limited to, your name and e-mail address, your organisation's name and your position and telephone number. This information will not be sold or otherwise disclosed to any third parties else unless required by law or permitted by the Privacy Act 1988.

Ezidebit will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any personal information collected from you is accurate, complete and current, that such information is both physically and technologically secure and that any information no longer required for any purpose will be destroyed or permanently de-identified.

Your Rights to Personal Information

Your rights include full access to the personal information held concerning yourself. You may request a copy of this information or further information about our privacy practices at any time by contacting our Privacy Officer on (07) 3124 5500 or by e-mailing privacy@ezidebit.co.nz.

For further information concerning your rights please visit the Australian Privacy Commissioner's web site at: www.privacy.gov.au